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Food & Drink


Where is the closest grocery store?

There is a Harter House grocery store located in Kimberling City, 25-30 minutes away.  There is a Wal-mart Super Center in Berryville, AR, also about 30 minutes away.   Also, there is a new Dollar General in Lampe about 15 minutes away.

Do you sell bags of ice?

Yes, we do have bags of ice for sale if you should need extra ice during your stay and the cost is only $1.50 per bag. We use the honor system and will ask you how many were used via email after you leave.

Are there local restaurants nearby?

Lampe has a very limited selection of restaurants. We like and recommend Parmesan's, an Italian restaurant and pizzeria. Nearby Dogwood Canyon and Persimmon Berry Farm have restaurants and are open seasonally

What kind of coffee maker is in my unit?

We have regular drip coffee makers, that require regular filters, no cone shapes or filters with numbers, (filters not provided).  We do not have Keurigs.

Recommendations for Restaurants located on the lake?

There are several restaurants you can dock up at and eat on the lake. We recommend Pier 28, Watson's on the Water, SS Dockside Cafe, Flat Creek Restaurant, Big Cedar.